Monday, 10 January 2011

Bacon Butties & Communion Wine

Rest assured I was parked up when taking this - 
harder than it looks as it happens, especially with a point and shoot!

I spend way too much of my life trundling up and down the A1 in the transporter, given the location of dealers our company delivers and collects from.  At Barnsdale Bar, not far from Ferrybridge in Yorkshire are fascinating pair of advertisements in a field that always catch my eye.  Unfortunately I’m not in a position to photograph them from my cab, being a responsible driver and all that, especially as VOSA stopped me so often in December that I’m now on first name terms with all the officers and have invitations to two weddings and a birthday party.

Bust shortly before Christmas an opportunity arose when on a slack business day I rode as a passenger on a trip up to Rochdale in order to get out of having to do some real work in the yard.  The principle advert is on an old artic trailer, with the second sign set against it at the end.  The positioning is clearly deliberate as the signs have been like this for the last couple of years; I just wonder if the café owners read into it what I read into it!

Prepare to meet your God - cafe next left. Either the Big Man has popped down to Barnsdale Bar for a bacon butty or the food is so bad it's going to kill you. Either way; 'Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you can eat in or take away.'

A bit more catch up from last year; my Scania broke down one Monday morning (don’t we all?) and this impressive Foden Wrecker was sent to collect it.  The truck sounded more like a railway locomotive and left an impressive cloud of clag when it finally departed with the transporter in tow.

For 2011 I have been upgraded and given a trailer to add onto the lorry on a full-time basis.  Designed for carrying large vans, the new addition makes it the longest vehicle in the fleet – hope the insurance premiums are up to date!

On one of its final solo outings as a rigid, this pre-Christmas 
delivery to Leicester looks rather festive.


  1. Ha ha! Shouldn't that read Beleive in the Lord J. C. and you will be "served"?
    Nice to see that you have the Scania full time now...very pleasant to work in I expect. I do like that Foden wrecker though!

  2. Oh very witty, I wish I'd thought of that one!

    I was hoping for a good look round the Foden and a chance to pop into the cab for more photos, but work beckoned, sadly, and I had to make do with a few illicit snaps.

    The Scania doesn't even feel the trailer, even loaded with three vans that I brought from York. The only time I have to slow down is to negotiate Nissan Micra's ambling off the slip road at 33 mph ... oh, I'd best leave that for another article!


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